Get in touch

Office of Student Services

If you have any questions that are not (yet) answered in this FAQ section, please get in touch with the Office of Student Services on your campus.


Frequently asked questions on TH Köln's campus management system (CaMS)

Certificates and documents

+Where can I find my certificate of enrollment?

To download your certificate of enrollment, go to the student service section of CaMS. You will find your certificate of enrollment in the ‘Certificates’ tab. Your BAföG certificate is also available for download in this section.

+Where can I find my certificate of enrollment in PSSO?

Certificates of enrollment are no longer available in PSSO. To download your certificate of enrollment, go to the student service section of CaMS. You will find your certificate of enrollment in the certificates tab. Your BAföG certificate is also available for download in this section.

+Do I need to enter a TAN in PSSO to download my certificate of enrollment?

Certificates of enrollment have moved to CaMS, i.e. they are no longer available in PSSO. TANs are not required in CaMS.


+Am I re-registered?

The information if your re-registration was successful i.e. you are enrolled for the current semester is displayed in CaMS: Go to the student service section. Your current enrollment status is displayed right under the headline “Student service”.

+I paid the semester fee but I am not re-registered. Why?

It is likely that a re-registration block prevents your re-registration. Please go to the student service section and select the tab ‘Blocks’. You will find information on how to remove the re-registration block.

+Where can I get information on my re-registration? What are TH Köln’s bank details?

To find this information, go to the student service section and select the tab ‘Payments’. Make sure to use the reference provided so that your payment can be registered in CaMS without delay.

+What is the exact amount I need to pay?

Go to the student service section and select the tab ‘Payments’ to find out the exact amount you need to pay.

Leave of absence

+How can I apply for a leave of absence?

You can submit your application for a leave of absence through CaMS. Go to the section “Applications and requests” and start the application process. Supporting documents can also be uploaded to CaMS.

+I need a confirmation that I am currently on a leave of absence. Where can I find that?

Once your leave of absence has been confirmed (i.e. once your application for a leave of absence has been approved AND we have received your payment), a certificate of enrollment with a remark “on leave of absence” will be available for download in CaMS (student service section, tab ‘Certificates’)

Contact information

+Where can I change my contact information?

You can change your contact information in CaMS. Go to the student service section and select the tab ‘Contact information’. You can edit your information by clicking on the pen icon.

+Do I need a TAN to change my contact information or to download certificates?

No, you do not need TANs to use these functions of CaMS.


+I do not want to continue my studies at TH Köln. How can I request to be disenrolled?

You can submit a request to be disenrolled through CaMS. To do so, go to the section "Applications and requests" and then select "Disenrollment". Please select a reason for your disenrollment. You can also adjust your disenrollment date (if required) before you submit your request. 

+ I have been disenrolled but I want to continue my studies. What can I do?

Please check

1) if there is a re-registration block that prevented your re-registration. To do so, go to the student service section and select the tab “Blocks”.

2) if you paid the entire semester fee by the deadline. Please visit our website for information on the semester fee and re-registration deadline:

Please get in touch with the Office of Student Services on your Campus immediately to find out if it is still possible to cancel your disenrollment.

+ Where do I find my certificate of disenrollment?

If you requested to be disenrolled (for additional information, please visit or if you were disenrolled by TH Köln, a certificate of disenrollment will be available for download in the ‘Certificates’ tab of the student service section. Your notification of disenrollment as well as your pension insurance certificate are also available for download in the same section. After your disenrollment you will continue to have access to CaMS for another six months. We thus recommend that you download and/or print all important documents (i.e. also certificates of enrollment and BAföG certificates, if applicable) while you can still access CaMS.

+I cannot properly download my certificates to my smartphone. Why is that?

Certificates in CaMS are always PDF files. Please install a PDF reader to your phone to view these documents.

+I have been disenrolled. How can I update my mailing address (e.g. to receive my graduation documents by mail) or receive certificates?

After your disenrollment you will continue to have access to CaMS for another six months. During this time, you can still edit your contact information in the student service section of CaMS. We recommend that you download and/or print all important documents (i.e. also certificates of enrollment and BAföG certificates, if applicable).

Exam administration

+ Where can I register for/de-register from exams?

Exam (de-)registration is possible in the Online Examination and Student Services (PSSO).

Login link:

Information and manual:

+ Where can I find my transcript of records in CaMS?

Transcripts of records are only available in the Online Examination and Student Services (PSSO)

Login link:

Information and manual:

Get in touch

Office of Student Services

If you have any questions that are not (yet) answered in this FAQ section, please get in touch with the Office of Student Services on your campus.